Proposed Themes and Topics for Scientific Sessions
Day 2 (Tuesday, 25 August 2015)
AUTHORSHIP 1. The fourth criterion for authorship and accountability 2. Deciding authorship, contributorship and acknowledgement in Asian cultures 3. Ghost and Gift authorship in selected journals 4. Honorary Authorship and Coercive Citation in Biomedical Research |
DATA/CONTENT SHARING, AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS (Part 1) 1. How does availability of research data change with time since publication? 2. Reproducible research: how available is information to enable others to reproduce results? 3. Clinical research data repositories and public disclosure of trial data |
DATA/CONTENT SHARING, AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS (Part 2) 4. Democratization of knowledge: a supplement or open access 5. Authors' views on online-only publication 6. Open-access publication: who can pay? |
EDITORIAL AND PEER REVIEW PROCESSES 1. Models of peer review (double-blind, single-blind, open, etc.) in APAME Journals 2. Editorial triage and choice of reviewers 3. Statistical Review and non-statistician authors 4. Mentored peer review as an educational tool 5. Effect of training workshops on quality of peer reviews |
ETHICAL ISSUES AND MISCONDUCT 1. Duplicate publication in WPRIM and IMSEAR-indexed journals 2. Retraction in the APAME region 3. Plagiarism detection tools applied to a specific journal 4. Authors awareness of publication ethics: a regional survey 5. Scientific misconduct among APAME journals: an online survey of Editors |
BIAS 1. Underreporting of Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures 2. Outcome reporting bias in Clinical Trials 3. Selective reporting 4. Impact of Spin in Abstracts 5. Role of Editorial and Peer Review Processes in Publication Bia |
Day 3 (Wednesday, 26 August 2015)
POSTPUBLICATION ACCESS, DISSEMINATION, AND EXCHANGE (Part 1) 1. Stability of internet references in general medical journals 2. Electronic culling of the clinical research literature: filters to reduce burden of hand-searching 3. Letters and comments published in response to research: postpublication peer review? |
POSTPUBLICATION ACCESS, DISSEMINATION, AND EXCHANGE (Part 2) 4. Likes, shares, and tweets: the growing role of social media in biomedical literature 5. Benchmarking prominent medical and scientific journal Facebook and Twitter popularity 6. Publishing in bilingual journals in the APAME region |
RESEARCH REGISTRIES, PATENT APPLICATION AND IPO 1. National research registries in the WPRO and SEARO 2. Reporting of results in registries vs. Published articles 3. IPO and Patent Application Issues in APAME |
REPORTING GUIDELINES AND QUALITY OF REPORTING 1. Consensus-based Case Report Guidelines Development: CARE Guidelines 2. Poor descriptions of nonpharmacologic interventions 3. Barriers to uptake and implementation of CONSORT guidelines |
CITATIONS 1. Self-citation by author |